Friday, February 22, 2008

The Three Minute Meditation!

I pick up my ipod, put my headphones, turn on a song, and crank up the volume!

Who needs quiet when you can have lyrics!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

All These Things that I've Done

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous and a ride was definitely in order. I decided to head from the house, over the bridge, and through the Marin Headlands. 30 miles of sun, nature, birds chirping, waves breaking, and fellow cyclists out on the same mission as me: to enjoy the weather the best we cyclists know how, on a bike! I climbed a lot, keeping Hernando's, Sabine's, and Dave's climbing tips on my mind, descended a few times enjoying the breeze, and took some pictures. It was a great ride!

Looking down onto the beaches!

After I finished the first big climb...and still smiling!

The top of the steepest mile of life!

Yeah, I climbed that!

On the way back to the City

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Same old story, not much to say!

I brush my teeth and put the cap back on
I know you hate it when I leave the light on
I pick up a book and turn the sheets down and then
Take a deep breath and a good look around!

It's Valentine's Day...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Always Darkest Just Before Dawn

I just woke up so I can work out this morning on my bike. Just a quick ride down to the beach, through the park, and up 7th avenue back to the house. And then it's shower time and I'm off to Berkeley for work at 10. And then class from 12-3. I am going to go upstairs to grab something before I leave and I know Callie is going to bark at me because she's a good guard dog! Then she'll realize it's me and go back to being a puppy! She is so adorable!

Monday, February 11, 2008

He left no time to regret!

I accomplished everything on my list today! Yay! I danced, i rode, i worked, i studied, i rode again, i danced, i changed, i worked out, i came back!
The weather was great most of the day! As I was coming back into the City the weather was still great. I went to get on my bike and take a ride, and thank god I put on some arm warmers and a vest because as I made my way down to the beach the fog was rolling in!!! Nonetheless I had a great work out, rocking Amy Winehouse all the way up 7th ave and to the house! It has been a good day!

Todays's Plan

1. Shower
2. Have a dance party with Callie while finding clothes and getting ready
3. Ride my wonderful motorcycle across the bridge (not the bridge below)
4. Grab an americano at strada (very important)
5. Work (probably do some blogging at the same time)
6. Class - an hour of middle english
7. Ride my wonderful motorcycle back across the bridge
8. Drop my stuff, change my clothes, dance party, grab my bike, go for a ride
9. Shower, change clothes, dance party
10. From here on out the plan is up to the fates of the evening! I love this City!

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Thursday night was going to be a pretty low-key, laid back evening, but low and behold it was not. I talked to a friend, Scott, who was thinking about going to a club downtown to hear a Sweedish pop sensation, Robyn. And on the spur of the moment I decided to join him. I had so much fun. Dancing, drinking beer, listening to loud music. It was great! I am so glad that I decided to go.

Now the weather is absolutely gorgeous, it's Saturday, and I am going for a ride. I hope wherever you are the sun is out and shining.

Goals for the weekend:

1. clean my room
2. do laundry
3. ride my bike
4. do some reading
5. enjoy the weather

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Super Bowl...and Cultural Invigoration

So the Super Bowl!!! Can you believe what a great game that was?!! So awesome! It was like watching a college game, with heart, spirit, meaningfullness, all there on the field. Everyone I talked to has said the same thing: "Yeah, I was going to turn it on, see the start, and then flip to something else. But, then I got sucked in and watched the entire thing! It was great!" It was a great game!!! I bet those New Yorkers are happy right now. With sub zero weather and snow blasting them daily, they should have something to celebrate for. On a side note, did anyone else see the close up of the Giants' trainer who has been there since 1948. That's 60 years people! My god the guy must be ancient! Plus, you know someone's been living in upstate NY too long when their nose is permanantly purple from the weather!

On to the next part of my tale. Two words: Polish Club! Established 1926! (If I remember correctly) That was where I watched the Super Bowl this year. And it was a blast. A huge projection screen, bbq ribs, wings, and hot dogs, beer, chips, some crazy football fans, not to mention the fact you could walk around and hear polish being spoken. Someone mentioning Mother Teresa's role in the Super Bowl. Someone else screaming "COMMERCIALS" every time the game paused for money reasons. Scott chugging beers for absolutely no reason at all. I got called Vanna as I held a platter for wings to be put on. It was great.

Plus...when I awoke this morning from my sweet slumber, it was SUNNY! The deluge has ended. It has rained for 40 days and 40 nights, and finally the dove has returned with an olive branch my friends. I can not convey to you my happiness. Yeah, I know we Californians need all the water we can get, blah, blah, blah...but hey I can't be rained on any more. At least give me a week's peace!

So I am at work, and I should probably be doing some. So later fools! I don't have time for this stuff. Who am I kidding? Of course I have time for it! And on a final note! WHO'S READY FOR SOME BELLA CRAZINESS IN THE FORM OF A CYCLING BASH? I know I am! Until next time...stay classy San Frandiego!